Y O U  D O  Y O U !

After we decide to be work friends, I’m sure you are wanting a sense of how things work around here.

Here’s a peek into what you can expect as a client!

n i c e   t o   m e e t   y a !

It’s likely that we’ve chatted before. Maybe a quick chat on Instagram or a hello email? We’ve talked about what you’re looking for, how much you can expect to pay, and how we are going to move forward.

n o w  w h a t ?

After we set expectations, I’ll send over a contract so we can make things official.

t h i s  s e e m s  a  l i t t l e  s k e t c h y . . .

Since we know what we are going for by now, I’ll do some sketches, mock up 3 design concepts, and send them your way for some good old honest feedback.

a l m o s t  t h e r e !

You will pick which design concept you like best, and we will talk about what elements from that concept you would like to incorporate in the final design.

a n d  t h e n  t h e r e  w e r e  t h r e e . . .

Based off our last chat, I will send you up to three revisions of the design.

v o i l a !

Once we are on the same page and equally excited about your new design, I’ll send it off for you to approve, and then I’ll send over all the files you need to show off your new brand. Yay! Look at you go!